- 877-290-1853
- Provide basic information about your still capacity and fermentation tanks below and click the Calculate Load button to receive an estimate of your distillery
cooling load and a recommended glycol chiller.
- Clicking on the glycol chiller icon presents an opportunity to get an immediate price.
- Distillery production practices and subsequent cooling
requirements often vary greatly. This tool provides a first estimate of your distillery cooling load. Chiller selection assumes that mash cooling is accomplished using city water or with
some other cooling source. Contact our application specialists to discuss your specific needs. I want to cool my mash too.
Calculate Load
- Notes
- 1 beer barrel = 31 US gallons (defined)
- 1 US Gallon = 3.785 liters
- Typical 1 spirits barrel = 53 US gallons or 200 liters
- Typical 1 wine barrel = 59 US gallons or 225 liters
Load Calculation and Recommended Glycol Chillers will be Displayed Here.
Useful Schematics :

- Cooling System Using :
- Chiller for Mash Cooling
- Chiller for Fermentation Tank Cooling
- City Water for Still Cooling

- Cooling System Using :
- Chiller and Cold Water Storage Tank used for Mash Cooling
- Chiller used for Fermentation Tank Cooling
- City Water for Still Cooling

- Cooling System Using :
- Chiller used for Mash Cooling
- Chiller used for Fermentation Tank Cooling
- Chiller used for Still Cooling
If your distillery information doesn’t fit this quick online calculator, call 317-887-0729 or email sales@advantageengineering.com and one of our application
specialists will help you size and select the proper glycol chiller.
Disclaimer: Advantage has made every effort to ensure that the results generated by the calculators available at this website are correct
and valid within the limitations indicated for each calculator. However, neither Advantage nor any of its employees warrants nor accepts any
liability for the use of these calculators. Use of these calculators and selection of specific input parameters often requires engineering judgment
on a case by case basis. The user is cautioned to seek competent engineering assistance in the use of the calculators and application of results
generated by the calculators. The user is further cautioned that the results generated are based upon certain simplifying assumptions, which may
or may not be valid for a specific case.
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